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Himatsubushi : Kill Time

by Eman | 6/01/2008

Try this game of Himatsubushi, which literally translates to "kill time" or "crush boredom" in Japanese.

This is a fun and weird flash game where your main objective is to keep your mouse pointer safe as long as possible from a little orange ninja guy who will try to grab or hit your cursor with lots of tricks you will never thought or expect. I say he is a cursor addict or cursor maniac! The game also requires you not to move your mouse outside the game's background or else your score will reset to zero.

This is not easy as you might think because the ninja guy will always get you and will give you a big grin every time he captures or destroys your cursor. Just a warning: don't get irritated to him because if you do, you will really smash your monitor screen!

For info, my highest score is 2325 points. How about you? How long can your mouse pointer can survive? Play now and post your score!

Some pics of the game:

My Highest Score : 2325 points!

The pole smash.

The homing missile.

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