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HammeRuler : A Hammer and a Ruler in One!

by Eman | 5/31/2008

This is a sponsored post.

Let's talk about hammers today. Have you heard of a hammer and a ruler molded into one? Well, just put a ruler's markings in the hammer's handle and you got the image of it. Not a nice idea for me.

There's this new product to be released at the end of this year and it's called Hammeruler. Very creative name indeed! And the makers are trying to gauge how well it will sell come the big day.

Is it really worth putting the ruler in the hammer? Or putting the hammer in the ruler? The makers argue that by doing this it will cut down the time needed for the user to switch tools, especially if the user only does short measures. No one realizes how much time a user spend on putting down his hammer to pick up his ruler and that's understandable. For me, I want the two tools different from each other.

Just 'hope this Hammeruler will hit. Just don't hit your finger with the hammer because your using it as a ruler!

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  1. manika June 4, 2008 at 12:45 PM  

    hey, how have you had this sponsored post? I want that too! :D