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Firefox 3 to Attemp a Guinness World Record

by Eman | 5/30/2008

A clever promotion indeed! Firefox 3 will attempt to set a Guinness World Record for the Most Software Downloaded in 24 Hours! Firefox 3 is the latest web browser from Mozilla with over 15,000 improvements over its predecessor version.

All you have to do is download Firefox 3 during Download Day to help set the record. To to this, you need to pledge to download Firefox 3. Just pledge in their website and they will send you the link in your email come Download Day.

I have been using Firefox since it's birth (well I just can't remember when, but it's a long long time ago) and I never had any problems with it. And I believe Firefox 3 will be better, so much better than Firefox 2 (I am not talking about the other rival.)

Don't forget to tell your friends, family and colleagues to pledge to download Firefox 3 during Download Day!

You can pledge in their website by clicking the banner below and help spread the word!

Download Day - English

Update 2008.06.12 : The official date for the launch of Firefox 3 is June 17, 2008. Join the community and this effort by pledging today.

Update 2008.06.13 : As of today, the number of pledges reach a little over 1,100,000. You can still pledge by clicking the banner above.

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