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Get Paid to Search Yahoo!

by Eman | 6/15/2008

Homepages Friends - This site is one lovely little earner. You can make a little extra cash just by doing what you already do - searching the internet.

How does this work?

"Get paid to search."

Homepages Friends is a get-paid-to-search site with Yahoo! Search behind as the search provider. They split the advertising revenue generated on bona fide searches with their members 50/50.

What do you do?
"You search and you earn."

In order to use it, you need to have either Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer 7 installed. You can download them from a link on their site.

When you sign up in the site, you will be asked to add to your browsers search box a search plug-in of their own. When you use the search box, it will return results from Yahoo! and you will earn a few cents in return.

How much can you earn?
"If you thought you will get rich from this, please get real!"

You will get 1 pence (~$0.02) per search which is not bad. I average about 20 - 30 searches everyday from my work, blogging, hobbies, etc. You can do more because there's no limit on the number of searches you can do.

25 searches x $0.02 cents = $0.50 per day

In theory, you will earn $15.0 a month just by yourself. You can earn more by referring friends to the site.

If you’re a student, blogger or a researcher, this is definitely worth considering. At least try it out for a while and if it doesn't work for you, what have you lost?

Sign up for Homepages Friends and earn money while you search.

Proof of Payment

Please note that all payments are subject to a minimum of £20 and are paid 45 days after the month end on your PayPal account.

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  1. Photo Gallery May 3, 2009 at 4:24 AM  

    Do they pay? What is your experience?